The Nez Perce County-City of Lewiston Emergency Communications Joint Powers Board (ECJPB) is a 7 member board that represents stakeholders in County and City Emergency Communications. The board representation and current members are listed as follows:

Lewiston Police Department Representative
Budd Hurd
Chief of Police

City of Lewiston Council Representative
Mike Collins

City of Lewiston Staff Representative
Travis Myklebust
Chief - Lewiston Fire Department

Nez Perce County Sheriff Representative
Kerry Reagan
NPSO Dispatch Supervisor

Nez Perce County Commissioner Representative
Doug Zenner

Nez Perce County Staff Representative
Bill Reynolds
GIS Coordinator/Board Chair

Citizen Representative
Ryan Bender

The NPC-COL Emergency COmmunications Joint Powers Board (ECJPB) meets once each quarter with a fiscal year that mirrors the fiscal years of Nez Perce County and the City of Lewiston beginning October 1st and ending September 30th of each calendar year.

ECJPB meetings are open to the public.